Team Stability
2 minutes read

Team stability in open-source projects

In open-source projects, anybody can inspect, modify, and share the source of the software.

Developers contribute to open-source projects differently; some contribute regularly whereas others occasionally. I made this vizualization to represent these dynamics.

In the vizualization below, each developer is depicted by a dot, and each iteration is represented by a different color. The nickname of the developer is displayed in a big label when the mouse pointer is over the corresponding dot. The number of iterations in which the developer contributed is shown between brackets.

See original @ Observablehq

It’s easy to see how some developers contribute to the project regularly and how others do it sporadically. We already know about the multiple benefits of open-source, even when the contributions are not so frequent. Still, one might be wondering how these contributions affect the project in terms of productivity. Do you want to know the answer? I invite you to read one of my papers:

Scott, E., Charkie, K. N., & Pfahl, D. (2020, August). Productivity, Turnover, and Team Stability of Agile Teams in Open-Source Software Projects. In 2020 46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) (pp. 124-131). IEEE.

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